External resources ================== Here are some recommended resources that deal with Cerberus. If you find something interesting on the web, please amend it to this document and open a pull request (see :doc:`contribute`). Community forums ---------------- There's a `cerberus tag `_ on the Question & Answers platform *Stackoverflow*. The `Google Group `_ regarding the mother project *Eve* may also a spot to seek these. 7 Best Python Libraries For Validating Data (February 2018) ----------------------------------------------------------- `Clickbait `_ that mentions Cerberus. It's a starting point to compare libraries with a similar scope though. Nicola Iarocci: Cerberus, or Data Validation for Humans (November 2017) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Get fastened for the full tour on Cerberus that Nicola gave in a `talk `_ at PiterPy 2017. No bit is missed, so don't miss it! The talk also includes a sample of the actual pronunciation of Iarocci as extra takeaway. Henry Ölsner: Validate JSON data using cerberus (March 2016) ------------------------------------------------------------ In this `blog post `_ the author describes how to validate network configurations with a schema noted in YAML. The article that doesn't spare on code snippets develops the resulting schema by gradually increasing its complexity. A custom type check is also implemented, but be aware that version *0.9.2* is used. With 1.0 and later the implementation should look like this: .. code-block:: python def _validate_type_ipv4address(self, value): try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(value) except: return False else: return True